ThetaHealing® Session
The ThetaHealing Technique has been used to address a wide variety of physical, emotional, fears, limiting beliefs, happiness, relationships, abundance, career, fertility and more.
A ThetaHealing session begins by me asking permission to connect to your energy. Then you will be asked what it is you would like to work on, OR if you have nothing specific to work on, you might be asked, “If you could change anything in your life right now, what would it be?”
A typical appointment includes an intuitive scan, belief work, and a healing. I will teach you to use muscle testing to see what beliefs you have that may trigger the area you are seeking to change. Nothing is changed without your permission.
ThetaHealing Session
One Hour Session - $250
*A typical session lasts one to two hours depending on how much needs to be cleared. Pam will work with you accordingly.